Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School Home

Peace & Blessings from Dr. Mama

Feeling the Love!

Hotep Family! So much has been happening since the beginning of winter. Although we have had some cold and windy days, there is always so much warmth as we engage our children and families here at Sankofa. I was reminded of what a special place this was last Thursday on February 20, when we had visitors from the Board of Education and the Philadelphia Charter School Office. Our visitors walked through the entire building. They were welcomed by the lower school in Harambee.
Our visitors met our Philadelphia Literacy Mentors who are teaching other students in the city how to work with elementary students to improve their reading skills. They met our seniors who came back for a reflection day to share where they are in their research papers and internships. They met our young 8th grade sisters who go to the Ujima Friends Peace Center every Wednesday to learn to sew and make reusable menstrual pads for girls and women in Africa and the diaspora. Our girls have helped to make these products for thousands of girls in over 25 countries. Our visitors saw pictures of our international service ambassadors from Jamaica, Gambia, and our Freedom Rides South and North. They spent time with our 3rd and 4th grade and watched them engaged in rigorous instruction that was engaging and collaborative.
At the end we met to debrief what they saw. One member of the Board of Education started her remarks by saying that what stood out for her most was the LOVE and the sense of family that permeated our school. Later I thought about everything we do whether it’s PASHI, freedom rides, international service, or teaching and learning in the
classroom, we do because WE LOVE.
We love our children. We love our families. We love our history and culture. We love our nation with all its flaws and endless possibilities. We love scholarships. We love helping and serving. We love solving problems and being a part of the solution. Our love runs deep and strong because it is rooted in the struggle of our ancestors and the
promise of future generations. What a precious gift to cherish and protect. With Sankofa love we will face the challenges that may come our way and with love we will WIN! HARAMBEE!
In Love and in Community,
Dr. Ayesha Imani, CEO

News & Announcements

Free Summer Meals

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Schools or families may use any of the following methods to locate sites that serve free meals to children during the summer:

Mission and Vision

Sankofa Freedom Academy is a college preparatory K-12 freedom school that will build on the Philadelphia Freedom Schools model to increase literacy and numeracy levels throughout the community, promote respect for scholarship, servant leadership, conflict resolution, and cultural democracy. Through the use of African Centered and culturally responsive methodologies, Sankofa Freedom Academy will engender in its students, staff, and community a love for learning, pride in heritage and a commitment to personal and societal transformation. By operationalizing the adage, “each one / teach one”, Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School will build intergenerational learning communities in which each and every person is responsible to learn in order to teach, and teach in order to build a better world.

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